Something to think about brand story & digital experience

Article: Using a brand plan for marketing activities

The use of a brand plan for the marketing activities allows the target group to experience the brand better. Today many companies and people want to show the market who they are and what they do. They can also show little pieces of inside jobs, such as a look behind the scenes of how the product or service takes shape. Even trying the roles out is an option. Then you also know how they do the things they do.

Still, I think it’s more important to know why a brand would want to embark on those kind of marketing activities at all.

1) Marketing activities are visible representations of a brand.

2) Marketing activities provide a direct answer to the question: why does the brand exist?

3) Marketing activities reflect who the brand is and what the brand does.

4) Marketing activities clarify who will serve the brand the most, and who the brand will serve the most.

It is clear that marketing is an essential step which stimulates the target group to believe in the brand and to purchase the products and services. Therefore, marketing activities are smart and skillful steps a brand takes to help market groups better understand why that brand exists.

    Marketing activities are smart and skillful steps a brand takes to help market groups understand why that brand exists.

The result of a brand plan is a tool to tailor the marketing activities to the motivation why the brand exists. To better determine the marketing activities a brand plan can help enormously.

Think of it as a tool to guide the communication of the brand when executing the marketing activities. Also to evaluate and direct these activities.

A brand plan helps the development of targeted marketing and communication solutions for the brand. In addition, the plan helps with the coordination, monitoring and evaluation about why the brand exists.

A brand plan can be used as a guide for the path the brand takes. A brand plan states clearly:

  1. What are the vision and mission of the brand. This means what the brand stands for and what the brand aims for.
  2. What kind of marketing activities does the brand apply. This means how the brand is expressed on its channels.
  3. Which developments fit the brand and which do not. This means researching and evaluating new ideas, concepts, strategies and solutions and determining whether they fit the brand’s vision and mission.

If you’d like to make your own brand plan, ask these important questions about the brand:

1) What is the brand working on and what does the brand want to achieve?

2) With what marketing activities does the brand want to achieve these goals?

3) Through which marketing activities does the brand make its presence known on the market?

4) Through which marketing activities does the brand keep its target group coming back?

5) How are the marketing activities of the brand evaluated?

A brand plan is suitable for companies and people who want to tailor their brand’s marketing activities to the question: why does the brand exist?

If interested in building a personal brand, below you’ll find a link to an interesting article (in dutch):

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