recommendation: TriMotion

  • Organisation: TriMotion
  • Date: May 25, 2021

see below the translated text to english


May 25, 2021

Subject: Recommendation Suetlana Wall

Dear Sir or Madam,

From August 2020 to March 2021, Suetlana Wall followed a work experience trajectory with us from the municipality of Enschede. In the role of conceptdesigner, Suetlana contributed to the development of a number of (digital) concepts and products.

Fully participating in a team of self-employed people (TriMotion is a partnership) requires a professional attitude, which Suetlana immediately picked up. We have experienced the combination of her educational background, marketing experience and focus on the ‘user experience’ as a valuable contribution to our projects.

In Suetlana’s attitude to work, her independence, dedication and critical view stand out. She is strong in keeping an overview and looking at the ‘big picture’. And not unimportant; it’s nice to have Suetlana’s positivity in your team.

The projects Suetlana has worked on:
• Stichting Atelier Maatschappelijk Vastgoed – Development of identity, marketing plan and website. Suetlana independently set up and led this project.
• Marketing strategy TriMotion – Based on our DNA, the desired identity and analysis of our company, Suetlana has developed a marketing strategy.
• Pak an Pak over – A digital roadmap and landing page to support residents in taking over tasks from the municipality.

Yours faithfully,

Nienke Goossen,
Social- and conceptdesigner at TriMotion