Platform: Atelier Maatschappelijk Vastgoed

An identity, website and marketingplan


The Atelier Maatschappelijk Vastgoed (AMV) is a non-profit foundation, aimed at increasing involvement and solidarity within communities. A connection has been developed between the value proposition and the people of AMV. Both are ultimately brought together in an identity of the organization. In addition, a website and marketing plan has been developed for the external appearance of the identity.


Design of the brand story
Forming an identity

In order to find out the intrinsic motivations of the members, each member was interviewed. A unique motivation was collected based on the person and the role he or she will fulfill within the organization and also on the value proposition.

To establish a link between the motivation and the value proposition of AMV, individual keywords were chosen from each motivation. By dividing the keywords using the value proposition this creates different directions in which AMV can be identified.

Three directions for the identity have been discovered that are strong because of the distribution of the keywords from the motivations of the members. 1) service-oriented, 2) solution-oriented and 3) interaction-oriented.

Visual development

The different directions require corresponding characteristics and properties which can also determine the visual appearance of AMV. After that a more in-depth mood board has been created, the most suitable direction for AMV ultimately has become the interaction-oriented direction.

In order to realize the visual identity development for AMV, the sketches of the logo and the briefing for the design of the identity were made. Based upon that the most important core values were selected that best fit AMV.

Strategic development of concepts and products


The strategy for the framework and content of the website is based on the collected information about the organization and the information needs of the target group.

The visuals (icons/ images) for the content have been sketched, further elaborated and developed in 3D.

The textual content of the website has been revised.

The prototype of the website has been created.

Brand experience and marketing


A social media plan has been developed based on desk research into the target groups. A marketing plan has been developed for the marketing of AMV’s Roadshow event. This plan consists of a description of the idea of the Roadshow, objectives of the Roadshow, marketing activities, expected marketing results and approach for organizing.